Collection: Uprooting a Mountain: Norse Mythology Reimagined
New Works by Darla Slee
I love the Norse myths. They harken back to an ancient society, and yet remain timeless. Even many centuries removed from the era in which they were created, one can still relate to these characters and their struggles. These are tales of adventure and friendship. They also teach us lessons about honor and integrity. In the stories, one finds an undeniable humanity keeping them fresh and alive. It is no wonder that they have inspired some of our greatest authors and artists.
And now, I would like to share them with you. By retelling and reorienting them for new audiences, we can all continue to enjoy the myths for centuries to come. I must also stress that these stories are for everyone from every background to enjoy. No one group. nor one type of person, has an exclusive claim to them. They are part of the wide and wonderful world of storytelling, and I encourage folx to add their own personal touches when passing them along. Let us keep these stories alive to be loved and cherished by many generations to come!